Friday 21 December 2012


 For our opening few shots we decided to almost have an introduction to introduce the band members and our main narrative character as they are a new band and therefore they need to be seen and recognised to their target audience so make them more memorable. We chose to have the drummer as the first band member to be shown as it is just the drums being played at this moment during the music and therefore makes the music diagetic and understandable for the audience. Also from our research we found that when there are musical solos just that individual band member is shown so the audience can link that moment with which band member, this is specifically important in our video as we have 2 guitarists and therefore the audience will want to know who is playing what part.- Laura

For our next few shots we chose to introduce the whole band together as the audience will then learn their formation. Although this was not always present in our research of indie rock video we decided that it was best to still have a certain formation as the audience will recognise it and furthermore associate that formation with the band. We also chose the show a 'behind the scenes' shot of the lights going up as it gives the illusion that the performance is live and also gives the audience more knowledge as we found from our research of an Arctic Monkeys we saw shows of the crew sorting out the music and lights whilst performing and thought this was good for the music video as it gives the audience a greater insight to what went into this performance.- Laura
This part of our video is all narrative as there has been nothing of great interest at this moment and therefore wanted the audience to be shown more of what is happening. We decided to have everyday things happening in the shots e.g. having breakfast and going to school because the audience are then able to relate to this and feel like the band understand this type of situation e.g. being late for school. This creates the idea that the band are down to earth and 'real people' which can relate to the star image theory as we have manufactured this image meaning that the way they act is fake but portrayed to be real. These shots will be all short and fast to meet the pace of the music as having long shots with little going on wouldn't fit the music and therefore have the video not flow as weel and as we specifically just want the audience to be entertained by the video having shots which don't meet the same pace would make it less entertaining and therefore make it have little purpose.- Laura
We bring performance back into the video at this point as the lyrics begin, thus we are introducing the lead singer who will always be in the middle of every performance and every band shot for our video and digi-pak as when researching videos and albums we found that the lead singer was always to more prominante of all the band members and therefore we predict that he will be the most recognisable in comparison to the other band members, thus having the lead singer in the different clothes in comparison to the other band members i.e. other band members in plain clothes and the lead in patterened clothes. However this was not in our research and may cretae the illusion that the band is not a band but rather just an artist therefore we must make sure when using mise-en-scene that our band looks like a whole band and not just an artist.- Laura
In these shots we show that the main character is having a 'bad' day as he has been given a detention and introduce the rest of the band members and the band together so that the audience are now fully aware of who the members are and what they look like etc.- Laura
The narrative shots have been used to show the argument between the main character and his teacher as this adds to the bad day because he will lose control, thus frustrating him. After looking at a video by the Arctic Monkeys we chose to have a shot of the band from side on as this gives the performance another dimention because the shot will make the room look deeper and therefore the audience will feel like they are actually there.- Laura
There is mostly performance in these shots because we have had chunks of narrative previously to make it flow, however as we are advitising a new band we must make sure they are the main attraction in the video and therefore show several shots of all the band members and the lead singer as there are lyrics during this moment.- Laura

'Out of my life' is repeated several times from around 1:29minutes into the song therefore we decided this would be a key moment to once again have individual shots of each band member singing the lyrics as this creates the illusion that the band are a unit because they are all singing together and therefore I think they will come across as a more respectful band.- Laura
We chose to have several shots of narrative during this part of the video because when listening to the music this is the bridge to the chorus being repeated and therefore we felt that it would be good and also meet the conventions of a music video with narrative to make this the big build up to the most dramatic part of the music video a the audience will still be interested in the video and the narrative. We used mostly close-ups because then the audience will understand what is going on and know what the main character is doing.- Laura
This is still narrative in our video with the end shot being of the argument of the main character with whom will be his girlfriend making the build up to be quite long, this may not meet the conventions of all the music video we've researched however we wanted the narrative to be like a tv show thus from making my thriller last year I know that to build the story up well it must be done gradually as then the audience ill constantly want to know more. Although the build up is long we still wanted the narrative to suit the video therefore the shots will still be quick and the transitions fast as we want a continuous pace for our video because then the music won't look so out of place to what is happening.- Laura

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