Friday 21 December 2012

Evaluation - Lewis Finney

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?
Whilst planning for our music video we thought very carefully about what conventions we will follow and will not follow. One idea we stuck to throughout the video was the clothing being kept smart casual. So the whole band was generally wearing a casual top along with chinos. This kept with whole star image of an Indie Rock Band, how they are being represented through clothing. Another convention we followed carefully was, during research, we noticed that with the narrative clips of the video it generally followed a storyline of some sort, generally relating to the lyrics. With our narrative we followed a storyline that conjoined with the lyrics too. The storyline was a guy has a bad day and everything goes against him. Along with this, we also noticed that videos of our genre were generally a cross between performance and narrative, this is known as a hybrid video. We chose to do this for our video because we wanted to follow as many conventions as we could so we could keep the genre of the video. With our DigiPak we decided to use individual photos of the band members as well as a band shot. This coincides with the DigiPaks that we researched because this was a consistent theme. The Advert we did for our Artist was a Magazine advert. We decided to keep it simple where we had a solid black background with the album cover on. We also included the album title, band name, where to buy it, price, and website. These sort of simple layouts were seen in many other magazine adverts we looking into from Indie Rock Bands. One thing we paid close attention to was the editing, transitions, shot types, and camera movement that was used throughout Indie Rock Band music videos. We mainly paid close attention to the transitions used and noticed that it was generally quick cutting with a possible fade in and out at the beginning and end. So, after looking into this we decided that it would be best to follow this to keep some conventions of the editing the same and we felt this was the most important one. We only kept our camera movement to the narrative side of the video due to the song being fast paced. We did try camera movement whilst the band was performing but we found this shot to be too long and didn’t fit in with the fast pace of the song. Another thing we paid extremely close attention to was the narrative/performance balance of the video and found that it was generally 50/50. So we decided to challenge this because we were doing cuts “off the beat” so we needed to show that the band was an Indie Rock Band. Again we referred to star image for this by using the clothing as a way of representing an Indie Rock Band. With the font of the digipak and magazine advert we decided to challenge the typical Indie Rock font, which would be seen as unisex or manly. We decided to use a girly font as the original idea came from the writing you find on the head of an electric guitar. I feel that we challenged this really well because you would rarely find an Indie Rock Band using girly writing on any of their products.

How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?
Within both the Music Video and the Digipak we tried to keep the same styled of clothing. This helped keep the star image of a smart casually dressed Indie Rock Band. I feel like the combination of this on both of the products was very effective because it strongly shows that our actors were representing an Indie Rock Band. Along with the research we did as well, both link together very well due to the fact we carefully followed the connections made by well known Indie Rock Bands. The connections we found were that the font is both the same in the magazine advert and the CD cover. Also you always find the album front cover on the magazine advert to. We kept these combinations because we felt that these were insanely important to show that the genre of the music we based our music video on was Indie Rock.

What have you learned from your audience feedback?

How did you use media technologies in the construction and research, planning and evaluation stages?

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