Thursday 20 December 2012

Music Video Analysis

This is a performance music video. From watching this video it has given me several ideas on how my music video can use some of it's conventions.

For example I like the lighting and feel that it is used effectively to add to the liveliness of the music video. They do this by changing the lighting and not having one colour throughout. In my music video I will adopt this idea and introduce red lighting as well as white.

As the song is quite fast paced it seems as though they have edited the shots into fast cuts in order to keep up with it. Bearing in mind our music video is similar paced I will try and use several fast cuts and keep transitions and longer held shots to a minimum.

Furthermore this video contains mid shots of the band members performing frequently. Therefore I feel it would be wise to apply this technique to our music video in order to follow conventions of indie rock music videos.

I find the close ups on the lead singer to be effective as well. It allows the audience to focus more on the lyrics and maybe cause them to think about them more. Again this is a useful aspect and I will try to produce shots similar to this in my own music video.

Bradley Norris

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